Glystrida (Purslane) Salad

Glystrida (Purslane) Salad

I totally had to Google the English translation for this one. This just has my yiayia written all over it. She’d make this simple salad every year when we’d go over for the summer, with tomato, cucumber, onion, olive oil, vinegar and lots of dried mint. Glystrida is PACKED with nutrients and is rich in omega-3s, vitamins and fibre. It’s not a leaf you come across often, at least, not at the major supermarkets. I picked these from Penny’s garden (mother-in-law) but I’ve definitely seen them at @paddysmarketsflemington. They’re also easy to grow; you’ll notice the tiny black seeds in the bowl of water you wash it in. Pour that water in your garden and you’ll have glystrida leaves in a few days.

Crispy Fried Atherina - Whitebait/Smelts

Crispy Fried Atherina - Whitebait/Smelts

Loukoumades - Cypriot Honey Doughnuts

Loukoumades - Cypriot Honey Doughnuts